Next-Day Delivery Available!
Bloomington & Ellettsville
We deliver to these zip codes:
47401, 47403, 47404, 47405
47406, 47407, 47408, 47429 -
We deliver to these zip codes:
Surrounding Areas
We deliver to these zip codes:
Gosport: 47433
Stinesville: 47464
$15 Delivery Fee! Have questions about delivery?
Give us a call with any questions at 812-935-ROSE!
Important Information About Delivery
Each bouquet is uniquely crafted by a local florist. Rest assured, our local florists take pride in their work and any substitutions will be made with flowers of equal or greater value.
Please note that next-day delivery might not be available during peak holiday times or in certain weather conditions.

Located at:
110 E Temperance St, Ellettsville, IN 47429
Local delivery available in the Ellettsville, Bloomington, Spencer and surrounding areas.
Delivery available to these Funeral Homes:
- Chandler Funeral Home
- Day & Deremiah-Frye Funeral Home
- The Funeral Chapel
- Allen Funeral Home
- West & Parrish & Pedigo Funeral Home
Delivery available to these hospitals:
- IU Health Bloomington
- Monroe Hospital